Image of the Week

Image of the Week, November 25, 2016

Paddy Gilliland M33

M33, by Paddy Gilliland

Here we have a look at M33 – a frequently imaged target but an abundance of data (very rare in the UK) provided me with with the opportunity of having a closer look at this object than any previous version I had worked on. The luminance data did a very good job of finding structural detail in the galaxy and the addition of the Ha data has pulled out a lot of signal allowing for some of the more faint structures and clusters around the edge of the galaxy.

Imaging telescope or lens: Officina Stellare Veloce RH 200
Imaging camera: FLI MicroLine 8300 CCD-camera FLI
Mount: Paramount-ME
Guiding telescope or lens: Borg 77 ED
Filters: Ha 5nm, Astrodon Luminance, Astrodon Blue, Astrodon Red, Astrodon Green
Accessories: FLI Atlas, Starlight Xpress lodestar 2
Resolution: 2208×2522
Dates: Nov. 3, 2016, Nov. 4, 2016, Nov. 5, 2016, Nov. 7, 2016
Astrodon Blue: 20×180″ bin 1×1
Astrodon Green: 20×180″ bin 1×1
Astrodon Luminance: 45×300″ bin 1×1
Astrodon Luminance: 49×600″ bin 1×1

About the photographer

Paddy Gilliland
Location: United Kingdom
Website, Flickr


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