BLOG Deep Sky Nebulae

The Power of Calibration, Integration, and Post-Processing

Rosette Nebula

What you see is not what you get

When astronomical data is pre and post-processed correctly, the data, color, structure, and beauty is there!

I wanted to demonstrate graphically how important and powerful the process of acquisition, calibration, integration (also known as reduction or stacking, “pre-processing”), and post-processing (image enhancement) is for astronomical images.

I don’t want people new to astrophotography to be discouraged by what they see on the camera from a single exposure, as it can be VERY disappointing at times. After a few years of experience, I still often get disappointed by the looks of a single image after it comes in, so I still have to remind myself what processing can do. When astronomical data is pre and post-processed correctly, the data, color, structure, and beauty is there!

Single exposure vs. integration (stacking) vs. post-processing
Single exposure vs. calibration and integration (stacking) vs. post-processing

The first image above is a single 6-minute RAW exposure from a Baader IR-modded Canon 550D DSLR attached to a Vixen ED80sf (f/7.5) telescope. Not a single change was made, except conversion to JPEG.

The second image is an integrated (stacked) and histogram-stretched version of the same target. 33 RAW DSLR exposures, all calibrated with loads of dark, flat, and bias frames.

The third image is the fully post-processed image after extensive work in PixInsight.

See the final Rosette nebula below. Nothing magical has been done, just a lot of work and patience.

If you do it right, it works!

Rosette nebula, final post-processed image
Rosette nebula, final post-processed image

Final image details

Exposure and calibration
33x6min ISO800 sub exposures, 3.3 hours total integration time
21 dark, 35 flat, 107 bias

Vixen ED80sf 80mm APO refractor
Celestron CG-5 ASGT mount
Orion SSAG autoguider + 50mm guide scope
Canon T2i 550D DSLR (Baader IR modded)
Orion Field Flattener

Image acquisition with BackyardEOS
Guiding with PHD
Pre-processing: calibration, alignment, and integration (stacking) with PixInsight
Post-processing with PixInsight


About the author

Cory Schmitz

Co-founder of, co-owner of several telescopes and mounts, too many cameras, and not enough hard drives.

An avid astrophotographer for timelapse, deep-space imaging, lunar, planetary, and star trail imagery, he is an all-around jack-of-most-trades for night-sky photography.

He is also an internationally published and commissioned astrophotographer, where his photos have been used in multiple online and print publications.


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