5 things every astrophotographer should know about their camera in order to maximize success in the field and make astrophotography more rewarding!
Tag - canon
Path, by Tyler Sichelski. The Milky Way lines up perfectly with an Arizona road.
This HDR composition of the Orion Nebula, by Kees Scherer, is one of the visually brightest nebulae in the night sky, located in the constellation Orion.
Learn how to get perfect round stars in your Milky Way and night sky photos, and find out why the rule of 500 is meant to be broken.
Get the backstory on how I planned, acquired, and eventually processed my ISS and moon image that was chosen for an APOD!
Demonstrating graphically how important and powerful the process of calibration, integration/stacking, and post-processing for astrophotography.
The Moon (ours!) isn't just monochrome. Learn how to tease it out.