Image of the Week

Image of the Week, April 2, 2018

M83, by Hamza Touhami and Stuart Forman

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Image details

Messier 83 (M83), also known as the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy, is a barred spiral galaxy located in the southern constellation Hydra.

M83 lies at a distance of 15.21 million light years from Earth and has an apparent magnitude of 7.54. It has the designation NGC 5236 in the New General Catalogue.

The Southern Pinwheel Galaxy occupies an area of 12.9 by 11.5 arc minutes of apparent sky, which corresponds to a spatial diameter of about 55,000 light years, or roughly half the size of the Milky Way. M83 is one of the nearest and brightest barred spirals in the sky and can be seen in 10×50 binoculars, which only reveal a patch of light with a brighter core.

Technical Data:
Captured and pre-processed in PRISM v10 by Hamza Touhami of Hyperion Astronomy
This was a collaboration between Hamza Touhami and Stuart Forman

Post processing by Stuart Forman in PixInsight

Camera: QSI532
Mount: Nova120
OTA: 14.5″ F/4.7 Newtonian
Location: Atacama Desert, Chile
RGB:2 hours each 1×1 unguided (300s exposures)
L:4 hours each 1×1 unguided (300s exposures)

Bob Sandness/Hamza Touhami/Stuart Forman

About the photographer(s)

Hamza Touhami and Stuart Forman
Location: United States
Website, Flickr, AstrobinTwitter

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