Image of the Week

Image of the Week, October 14, 2016

Paddy Gilliland lbn-468-hh-125-v1
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LBN468 Dark Nebulae, by Paddy Gilliland

Sitting in Cephus not far from the Iris Nebula a network of LBN and LDN object can be found. Here is part of LBN468 which contains LDN 1147, 1152, 1155, 1157, and 1158. It also contains a small fan like structure HH-215 aka Gyulbudaghian’s Nebula. This small feature is most likely the most interesting as it is a variable nebula much like Hubble’s variable nebula. The nebula is a jet being fired from the variable protostar PV Cephei, and the nebula changes both brightness and shape in relation to the activity of the protostar.

New OS RH200 installed first real test night and very satisfied. Targeting a dark object from UK skies can be challenging but believe this to be a successful first light for the new set up. A clear night last night allowed me to experiment with the more subs at shorter length. At f/3 figured this should be achievable. Subs used at 50x180sec lum and 15 per channel x 120sec RGB, this seems to have worked out well.

Have attempted a more natural feel on this one – there was more data there and could have pushed harder but not sure to what end – I liked it and decided not to get carried away. Hopefully it is a decent version of a relatively dark object. Nice to be able to collect enough data in one night in UK as well.

About the photographer

Paddy Gilliland
Location: United Kingdom
Website, Twitter


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