BLOG EBook Star Trails

Get Your Photo Published in The Ultimate Guide to Star Trails

star trails call out

Featured photographers will get a profile in the book and a FREE copy!

Work on our first book, The Ultimate Guide to Star Trails, is nearing completion, but it’s missing one thing: your photos.

We are calling out to all astrophotographers to send us your best star trail images for publication in The Ultimate Guide to Star Trails, along with a profile of YOU! In addition to getting published in our first book with your image and profile, you will receive a FREE complimentary copy of the book.

Submit now and we will contact you if your image is chosen to be featured.

Come one, come all — beginner to advanced photographers welcome!

How to submit your photos

Enter Image of the Year
Submit your entry to our Image of the Year competition.

On Instagram
Tag us on your best star trail photos (on the image, please!): @PhotographingSpace

By email
Email your image to us at with the subject line “star trails book entry”.

About the author

Cory Schmitz

Co-founder of, co-owner of several telescopes and mounts, too many cameras, and not enough hard drives.

An avid astrophotographer for timelapse, deep-space imaging, lunar, planetary, and star trail imagery, he is an all-around jack-of-most-trades for night-sky photography.

He is also an internationally published and commissioned astrophotographer, where his photos have been used in multiple online and print publications.


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    • Hi Graham,

      We don’t really have one at this point, but it will be in the next few weeks. Watch this post for a date in the near future! We will give a week or two notice.


  • When are you hoping for the book to go to print? Or whats your target? I entered one of these before and waited almost a year for the book to come out and then had to fight for the free copy I was promised! Obviously if people are entering via the Image of the Year comp then their images cannot be released til December when its entries close?

    • Hi Damien,

      We aren’t currently planning to create physical copies of the book as yet, but it is possible, depending on demand. Right now, we have plans for an eBook which will be able to be purchased via our website, so sending out a free copy of the book to featured photographers will be no problem!

      Our current target date for the release of The Ultimate Guide to Star Trails, Revision 1, will be in the coming few months.

      As for Image of the Year entries, if they are chosen for Image of the Week, obviously they will be featured on the website as well. Book photo submissions are not only tied to Image of the Year, but just as another way to submit AND enter for Image of the Year at the same time.

      Hope I have answered your questions!


  • There is a slide out panel on this page that comes in from the right when I scroll down the page. It is quite annoying as it covers the material below it and I can find no way to make it go away. It obliterates the right quarter of the page as I type.

    • Hi Mike,

      There is a small “x” at the top right of the related stories panel that will close it if you are using a screen with a lower resolution! Let me know if that works for you.



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