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Author - Yuri Beletsky
Yuri works as an astronomer at Carnegie Las Campanas observatory located in the south of Atacama desert in Chile. He deals with modern astronomical instrumentation at 6.5-m Mahellan telescopes. His scientific research encompass studies of interstellar medium and young stellar objects, and the results have been published in leading astronomical journals.
Astrophotography, and nightscape photography in particular, is Yuri's passion. Starting with a simple DSLR camera he developed and mastered his photographic skills. Now Yuri mostly specializes in nightscape photography. His images are known worldwide and they appear in various books, magazines (Astronomy, Sky & Telescope, The Times magazine, etc..), popular websites, and on TV. Yuri is an active contributor to NASA APOD, having more than 30 featured images on the NASA website.
Yuri is also involved in outreach activities at the largest astronomical observatories. He likes to share his passion for astrophotography through communication, meetings, and personal workshops.