Deep Sky Post processing Tutorial

How to Use Astro Pixel Processor: Main Screens [VIDEO]

M13 - sara wager

Learn your way around the new Astro Pixel Processor (APP) software.

APP is the new kid on the block. It has been three years in development and finally is available for a trial download and subsequent purchase. It has a totally new interface and a new way of doing things.

This first video of twelve and a half minutes shows you the screens within APP as well as the main menus and explains how you use them as you get a feel for the software and what it can do for you.

Menus covered

  1. Load
  2. Calibrate
  3. Star Analyse
  4. Register
  5. Normalise
  6. Integrate
  7. Tools – including Crop, Rotate and Resize, Light Pollution removal

See the other Astro Pixel Processor tutorial videos

About the author

Sara Wager

Sara Wager is a UK expat. She started imaging when she moved to Spain and it has now seemingly become a way of life! Initially enjoying general photography, she had an article published in a US photography magazine, but stuck firmly to astro imaging and its hardships in every sense.

She is an APOD recipient, winner of the International Astronomy Show 2015, and winner of Astrophotography Website of 2015 in Spain and Europe.

Sara has a home observatory in her garden and has had many published images, some competition wins and written articles for astronomy magazines. She is passionate about what she does as well as feeling a sense of responsibility for passing on help to others.

See more of Sara's work on her website.

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  • Dear Sara I´am in Argentina to the North West I have a 1000 x 200 Skywatcher, Altair camera 183-C Pro Evo Guiding with PHD2 program, my question is how to process Lights pictures with H-alfa pictures and O-lll pictures together with the A.P.P. program. It is possible.

    Best regards Leandro


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