VDB 142, Elephant Trunk Nebula
by Kaeouach Aziz
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A wonder to save. Just fifty years ago people could contemplate the night sky from our cities. Light pollution has become so pervasive that we now have to either move away from cities to enjoy deep sky objects or use narrow-band filters.
If we do not react against light pollution, many wonders of the deep sky will drown in light pollution. Here is an example where its nickname reflects its perfectly recognizable shape, here is the nebula of the elephant’s trunk.
Contained within the IC 1396 emission nebula, located in the constellation of Cephée / Cepheus, the elephant trunk nebula, or simply VDB 142, extends over 20 light years. By its dark and opaque aspect suggests that this region is empty and poor in stars, whereas it is quite the opposite since it is a question of pockets of cold gas and dense dust with only little background light. Indeed, it is in the heart of these dark nebulae that star formation occurs.
- APO astrograph TS 102mm at F/5.1
- ASI1600mm cooled pro
- AZ-EQ6 GT mount
- 58 x 300s HA 6nm
- 48 x 300s O3 6nm
- 36 x 600s S2 6nm
- Total integration: 14 h 50 min
- DOF: 11 x 101 x 0
- Treatment: Pixinsight
- Location: Ben Slimane Region, Morocco
- Date: 5.24 and 27/09/2019
About the photographer
Submitter: Kaeouach Aziz
Location: Morocco
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